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18 Jul 2022
Opportunities to push major fundraising and giving legislation don’t happen all the time. So when these opportunities do come about, we need to take advantage of them and get our message out to key legislators. We’ve seen it happen this year with the Legacy IRA Act. After two years of work, we’re so...
News post Boards and Volunteers
Reporting on annual philanthropy, growth or decline has consistently been 1-2%. While other recipients of discretionary dollars over the past decade have seen growth of double or triple their revenue since 2008. We will discuss the impediments that fundraising and the nonprofit world have self...
01 Jan 2021
Above Photo Credit: Guillaume Issaly “Rage giving” is here to stay, and you should be prepared for when—not if—it happens to your nonprofit. The summer of 2020 saw a wave of protests in U.S. cities in response to the unjust deaths of Black Americans like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery...
News post Donor Relations/Stewardship
01 Jul 2022
“Values and behavior are the outer expressions of culture. In order for an organization to have a culture, the values must be lived.” —Simon Sinek The Integration of Development and Marketing Disciplines Author and inspirational speaker Simon Sinek captured the essence of building an effective...
News post Your Fundraising Career
Event Details: Thursday, June 27, 2019 8:00 am - 10:30 am Join CCS Fundraising and AFP-NJ Chapter for an overview of national and regional giving trends based on exclusive data from Giving USA 2019: The Annual Report on Philanthropy. Highlights from the report will be presented and a panel of...
Session One 10:00 a.m. Discerning Between Two Fundraising Cultures It is human nature for all of us to blame someone or something other than ourselves when something isn’t working as well as we’d like. When it comes to fundraising woes in the nonprofit sector, it’s especially easy to point fingers...
05 Jan 2023
Originally launched in January 2002 as a campaign to promote youth mentorship, National Mentoring Month has become an opportunity for professional organizations to celebrate mentor relationships and encourage exchange of knowledge between members. This January, AFP is recognizing our mentors, and...
News post Your Fundraising Career
01 Oct 2018
Juan Calixto, CFRE, notes that the Latino population has reached 35.3 million people, with purchasing power estimated to reach $450 billion. Fundraising among them is about basics: Know your audience, get them involved, and follow through with good stewardship.
Resource Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” There’s lots of research and writing about the importance of organizational culture. So we’re willing to say that culture matters for nonprofits, too. So let’s talk about philanthropic culture – and why could/would/should it mean and why it works. Presenter...
Webinar Ethics
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