AFP Webinar: They're Not Users, They're People: 5 Ways to Improve Your Website Engagement Right Now

1:00 - 2:00 PM Eastern | Presenter: Jarrett Way
Eligible for 1 CFRE Education Point
Your nonprofit’s website has the potential to be your single greatest asset for individual donations and communicating with your audience. However, most nonprofit websites aren’t optimized for engaging with their donors. In this session, you’ll discover 5 quick fixes that you can implement today to improve your website’s engagement. This session isn’t designed for tech wizards (or even tech novices). Instead, anyone who cares about their nonprofit’s website can learn, quickly and concretely, what to fix and how to do it.
Presenter: Jarrett Way
While attending journalism school at the University of North Texas, Jarrett found himself at the intersection of communications and advocacy. His post-graduation endeavors took him to Memphis, Tennessee, where he spent four years diving into the world of content marketing and digital strategy. Grind City could only keep a Texan away for so long before Jarrett moved to Austin to tell the story of Mighty Citizen.