Why Our Members Love AFP

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is more than just a network—it’s a community dedicated to empowering fundraisers, advancing philanthropy, and strengthening the nonprofit sector. But don’t just take our word for it!

Read the testimonials of AFP members who have found inspiration, career growth, and meaningful connections through their involvement with AFP. 

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 Cloydia Garrett 

"While I have been dedicated to accomplishing meaningful work with a small but mighty team, I realized it was time to enhance my knowledge and skills to make an even greater impact." - Cloydia Garrette

"The welcoming, supportive atmosphere created by the AFP community convinced me that I belonged there. I am grateful for the opportunities for growth and connection that AFP has provided me.” - Yesenia Gonzalez

Andrea Carvalho 

“Since I first joined, my local chapter and AFP Global have supported me in countless ways—It has been incredibly motivating to be surrounded by people who get it, who are willing to share their wisdom with me and support me in my career." - Andrea Carvalho 

"One of my primary motivations for joining AFP was to continuously evolve my skills and abilities in fundraising. The fundraising landscape is constantly evolving, and it is crucial to stay updated on the latest trends, strategies, and best practices. AFP provides a wealth of resources, educational opportunities, and networking events that allow me to learn from my colleagues and stay at the forefront of the field.” - Ian Johnson


Ian Johnson


Katie Tilford 

“Doing the work that we do, it is easy to fall into the busy trap and spend all your time in the bubble of your own organization. Through AFP, I have connected with people at other organizations, with different ways of doing things. It has helped me think outside the box, and also made me really appreciate our own organization and all the ways that it is unique.”  - Katie Tilford

"Being a part of AFP, I have learned that you can break barriers and have an impact on people.” - Kerri Hill-Johnson, M.S.

 Kerri Hill Johnson
Kendall Bousquet

“I really see being an AFP member as offering me the opportunity to walk into a room, whether that’s in person or virtual, and take away from that some really exciting and insightful conversations with other fundraising professionals who are super passionate and engaged with what they do.” - Kendall Bousquet

"The depth and breadth of the resources available, particularly for fundraisers in all stages of their careers, is the biggest draw. It was an easy decision to become a member, not only to have access to content that applies in a broader sense, but to also connect with fundraisers in my region” - Molly Donahue, MPA



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