Kia Croom, MPA

Chief Executive Officer
Kia Croom

For two decades, Kia Croom, MPA, has enjoyed a career in fundraising and nonprofit fundraising/fund development. She took an interest in nonprofits while volunteering at H.O.P.E. Through Divine Intervention Inc. (HDTI, Inc.)—a homeless services agency in Atlanta. After writing her first-ever successful grant proposal for the shelter, HTDI, Inc. offered Croom her first full-time fundraising job as a development director. Croom earned her bachelor’s degree in communication arts from Clark Atlanta University and is a proud HBCU alumna. She obtained her Master of Science in public administration from Kennesaw State University. A devoted lifelong learner, Croom has also earned a certificate in Fund Development from the University of Richmond, a certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility from Pepperdine University, and a certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from Cornell University.

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