Chapter Message from Mike Geiger

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December 2019

Hi, everyone. Can you believe we’re already in the month of December? It’s been a great year, filled with lots of new programming and services, as we’ve worked together—AFP Global and AFP chapters—to advance fundraising…the IMPACT profession.

As a chapter leader, you’ve made a great impact on AFP this year. On behalf of the board and staff of AFP, thank you for everything you have done in 2019. If you’re stepping down as president at the end of the year, please know that we so much appreciate your leadership of the chapter. You have made such a contribution to the profession and our community. And if you’re continuing your leadership or coming on board in 2020, we look forward to working with you over the next 12 months.

This is a time of year traditionally focused on friends and family and donating both time and money to causes that change the world. I hope you’ll take a moment to think about how the fundraising profession has impacted you, and that you’ll consider giving back to the community.

As a chapter leader, you know more than most members about the work of the AFP Foundations for Philanthropy. You know that the foundations—in the U.S., Canada and Mexico—significantly impact the profession through support and funding of scholarships (Chamberlain and AFP LEAD), Ethics Awareness Month, leadership development, and research initiatives like the Fundraising Effectiveness Project that was created to increase donor retention and giving. The Foundations also support conferences like the Women’s Impact Summit and AFP LEAD, where chapters learn skills and training to help manage and lead their chapters more effectively.

If you’re a U.S. chapter leader, I hope you’ll support the U.S. Foundation’s BE the CAUSE Campaign.

If you’re in Canada, please support the Canada Foundation’s Every Member Campaign.

And in Mexico, you can make a gift by contacting

And remember, when you give to these campaigns, a portion of your gift goes directly back to your chapter to support local programming and activities. Chapters are the heart of AFP, and by contributing to these campaigns, you are not just investing in the Foundations and the fundraising profession. You’re creating impact across your community.

I hope you’ll make a gift to the Foundations during the month of December, if you haven’t already. And I hope you’ll encourage your chapter members to give—after all, their contributions will support the chapter as well.

For questions specific to the AFP Foundation, you can contact Lori Gusdorf at As always, don’t hesitate to contact me at or via Twitter at @AFPMikeGeiger.

Good luck with your year-end fundraising, and thank you for everything you’ve done for the AFP community this year!

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