Mike's Monday Message

The weekly blog about all things AFP and fundraising, led by AFP President and CEO Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA

Mike GeigerI’m Mike Geiger, president and CEO of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Though I’m the one posting, it’s really your thoughts and views that we'll be posting, as much as mine —it's about the AFP community and the fundraising profession. In fact, we will occasionally feature a post from one of our esteemed colleagues, so keep an eye out for these special articles.

While I do want to keep you up-to-date with what’s happening at AFP, what I really want is to hear from you. So e-mail me your comments, questions, concerns, feedback, and items you think I should be covering.

05 Jun 2023
Vaya, ¡no puedo creer que ya sea junio! Siento como que apenas estaba escribiendo mi mensaje de Año Nuevo, dando a todos ustedes la bienvenida a 2023...
01 Jun 2023
Este mes fui a Monterrey, México para asistir a una junta de Consejo de AFP México y la Fundación AFP - México. En julio, el Consejo de AFP Global...
30 May 2023
Earlier this month, I went to Monterrey, Mexico for a meeting of the AFP Mexico and AFP Foundation - Mexico boards. In July, the AFP Global Board will...
22 May 2023
As part of AFP’s advocacy efforts , we keep track of, and lend support to, relevant legislation that will benefit fundraisers and the nonprofit...
15 May 2023
In this video Mike's Monday Message Takeover, Jennifer Li Dotson, MSc shares her experience participating in the AFP Asian Pacific Islander Affinity...
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