AFP Chapter Spotlight: AFP North Carolina Triad Chapter

Greater Winston-Salem at Novant Health Foundation, is president-elect of the North Carolina Triad Chapter.
The North Carolina Triad Chapter, a 10-Star Gold Award Chapter, talks with Advancing Philanthropy magazine about successes they achieved last year, plans for 2022, the work they’ve been doing in the inclusion, diversity, equity, and access space, and professional development opportunities provided to members based on experience level. While the chapter has learned to adapt to the changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, they look forward to hosting more in-person meetings and learning how to best meet their members’ needs.
When was the chapter established?
The North Carolina Triad Chapter was established in 1991.
How has your chapter expanded over the years?
We fully encompass the Triad region of North Carolina, which extends from Winston-Salem to High Point and Greensboro. We do our best to engage current and potential members from across the region.
What career/professional development does your chapter offer for members?
Monthly member meetings, annual Fundamental of Fundraising trainings, scholarships to AFP Conferences, and mentorship. We also host an annual discussion about the CRFE accreditation. In non-COVID19 times, we host a North Carolina state conference with the Triangle and Charlotte chapters, rotating among locations every three years. This conference draws members from across the state and into Virginia and South Carolina.
How does your chapter celebrate National Philanthropy Day?
Before the pandemic, we used to host a luncheon on the Monday of Thanksgiving week to recognize and celebrate our honorees. It is very well attended and tops 350 guests. The timing is perfect, as everyone is thinking about gratitude.
In 2020, we had a virtual celebration. This year, we had a hybrid event during which we invited honorees and a guest, along with representatives from the organization they support, to an in-person gathering. A livestream was provided for others to join remotely. It was wonderful to celebrate the many individuals, foundations and businesses who make an impact through our many Triad nonprofits.
At each member meeting, we host a “member moment,” where a member shares how they got involved and why they find value in their membership. We developed a “checklist” of value-added opportunities available only to members.
A key to the success of our National Philanthropy Day events has been a partnership with FOX8 in Greensboro. They produce high-quality videos of our key honorees, which has elevated the professionalism of our celebration. Through this partnership, one of their beloved reporters, Cindy Farmer, acts as emcee for the event.
IDEA is at the core of everything that we do at AFP Global and on the chapter level. What is the Triad chapter doing in this space for its members and community?
We have an IDEA committee with two co-chairs from the board. Our board votes annually to reaffirm our IDEA statement, which outlines our commitment to the IDEA principles. We ask each committee to look at their work through an IDEA lens, which has been incorporated into our strategic plan. From a member recruitment perspective, our membership committee does reach out to organizations that work with diverse constituents to ensure our membership reflects our communities. We also host in-person events that are accessible to all.
Your chapter received the 2021 AFP 10-Star Gold Award. What at some of the things that make your chapter a 10-Star?
Our chapter is fully committed to maintaining our 10-Star Gold designation, of which we are very proud. The 10-Star Gold requirements give our chapter a clear roadmap for delivering an excellent experience for our members and ensuring we focus on key activities for success. I would encourage all chapters to work toward this important designation.
What’s the biggest opportunity and the biggest challenge your chapter has?
As with all member organizations, demonstrating value when we have not been together has been a challenge, so our membership numbers have slipped a bit. However, we have delivered some very meaningful professional development opportunities over the past two years and have engaged members from other chapters in North Carolina. We have started affinity groups that are based on experience level to provide a support system in the work we all love.
Our biggest opportunity is with fully engaging all members where they are, regardless of the size of their organization or their level of experience.
How do you show the value of AFP to your membership?
At each member meeting, we host a “member moment,” where a member shares how they got involved and why they find value in their membership. We developed a “checklist” of value-added opportunities available only to members.
What are some goals the chapter would like to accomplish over the next year?
We would like to maintain our 10-Star Gold Award, host more in-person gatherings (safely), and continue delivering high-quality professional development. We recently distributed a member survey to learn what is important for our members in 2022.
What has been your chapter’s biggest success over the last two years?
We have been financially solvent through the pandemic and had two successful and meaningful National Philanthropy Day celebrations.