AFP News

Florida Fundraiser Natalie Reilly-Finch, MPP, CFRE Honored As Outstanding Young Professional


(Arlington, Va.) Natalie Reilly-Finch, MPP, CFRE, director, foundation development, at Ascension St. Vincent’s Foundation in Jacksonville, Fla., has been recognized as one of five Outstanding Young Professionals by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).

The award recognizes fundraisers under the age of 31 who display excellence in raising funds, inspiring donors, managing campaigns and dedication to the charitable sector.

Natalie Reilly-Finch“As a young professional, this recognition speaks to the impact of mentorship throughout my career,” said Reilly-Finch. “After working in philanthropy for ten years now, I could not imagine a career in any other field. We as fundraisers are so blessed to be able to connect generous people to causes that change and improve communities. I hope to one day be a mentor to others like my mentors have been for me.”

Since her start in the nonprofit sector, Reilly-Finch has worked tirelessly to raise millions of dollars for the initiatives and communities she cares about. In her role with Ascension St. Vincent’s Foundation, an organization that provides quality, compassionate health care to vulnerable communities, Reilly-Finch focuses on major gifts, grateful patient fundraising and supporting a large capital campaign.

Prior to her work with the Ascension St. Vincent’s Foundation, Reilly-Finch served as a development officer with Ascension Providence Foundation in Michigan. While there, she led the major gifts program for the neurosurgery and cardiovascular service lines as well as medical education initiatives and strategic endowments.

“It’s such a pleasure and honor to showcase the rising talent in our industry with AFP’s Outstanding Young Professionals Award each year, and Natalie is an extraordinary example we’re delighted to recognize this year,” said Mike Geiger, MBA, CPA, president and CEO of AFP. “She has already had such a profound impact on the organizations and causes she has supported impact. All of us at AFP are so proud of her work and look forward to recognizing her in Las Vegas in May at AFP ICON.”

Reilly-Finch is an active member of the AFP community through the AFP Florida, First Coast Chapter, where she is a frequent speaker and supports younger fundraising professionals and colleagues who are preparing for the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) exam.

Additionally, Reilly-Finch volunteers for the Humane Society of North Central Florida.

Previously during her time in Michigan, she served on the board of directors of the Scleroderma Foundation and the Southfield Chamber of Commerce, where she was awarded Board Member of the Year in 2020.

Reilly-Finch will receive her award at AFP ICON 2022, the largest conference of fundraising professional in the world. For more information, contact Michael Nilsen at (425) 241-4674 or


Since 1960, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) has been the standard bearer for professionalism in fundraising. The association works to advance effective and ethical philanthropy by providing advocacy, research, education, mentoring, collaboration and technology opportunities for the world’s largest network of professional fundraisers. AFP’s nearly 26,000 members raise more than $100 billion annually for a wide variety of charitable organizations and causes across the globe. For more information, visit

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