President's Perspective Blog

A Great Giving Environment Is Here—Don’t Get Left Behind!

Fundraising Strategies: Annual Fund, Fundraising Basics, Special Events
Stewardship & Marketing: Donor Relations/Stewardship, Development Plans
Leadership and Teams: Development Office
Career Development: Your Fundraising Career
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If you’ve been watching some of the fundraising news lately (and if you haven’t, that’s okay, that’s what AFP is here for!), you might be wondering if there really ever was a pandemic that affected charitable giving.

Blackbaud’s just released Charitable Giving Report showed a 9% increase in overall giving in 2021, the largest increase since 2012. In addition, the recent Voluntary Support of Education survey by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) shows giving to higher education increased by almost 7% for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. In addition, figures from Fidelity Charity shows its donor-advised funds grants are up 41% from 2019.

This kind of data shouldn’t come as any surprise to AFP members. AFP has been following this trend for some time, with the Fundraising Effectiveness Project’s quarterly reports consistently showing very strong giving trends over 2021. And our latest Fundraising Confidence Survey, due out next week, has some additional data about how fundraisers are feeling about the coming year (spoiler alert: VERY confident!). 

Of course, we know that the pandemic hasn’t affected all charities equally, and some organizations have struggled more than others. We’ve heard from you that it can still be difficult to meet with donors. That we’re still working to find that right balance between in-person and virtual events. That finding new donors can be especially hard now with so many competing interests and causes for a person’s time and attention.

Those are all tough challenges, but there’s no doubting that signs everywhere are pointing to a very positive and encouraging fundraising environment for 2022. And fundraisers everywhere need to be taking advantage of it and trying to connect with donors as effectively and passionately as possible. 

How do you do that? How do you do make sure your organization isn’t getting left behind as we hear all this good giving news?

Well, again, that’s what AFP is here for. In my past messages, I’ve talked about the importance of investing in professional education and our $100 education credit – don’t forget to use this credit!. It’s also critical that you take advantage of tools like AFP Connect—our online community where you can ask questions about any aspect of fundraising—and connect with your local chapter to share experiences and expertise.

And finally, if you want the best professional learning experience around, you need to attend AFP ICON 2022, this year in Las Vegas, May 2 - 4. We just announced Zainab Salbi—noted humanitarian, bestselling author and journalist—as our Closing Keynote Speaker, rounding out our incredible list of presenters, including Opening Keynote Speaker Allyson Felix and some of the top fundraising experts and thought leaders from around the world. 

Plus, you can still register at our Early Bird Rate and save hundreds—but the deadline is this Thursday, Feb. 24, so check out the ICON website and register today.

The past two years have been challenging—understatement of the new year, I know! But now, this environment—all this great giving news—is why we’ve kept everything together and moving forward. Why we’ve continued to reach out to donors. Why we’ve never stopped raising funds and inspiring donors. The work—the hard, thankless but incredibly rewarding work—of the past two years is going to start paying off. I really believe that!

But each of us has to be in a position to take advantage of this strong fundraising climate. Get yourself ready. Invest in your career and professional education. Learn all you can and get inspired by your colleagues. 

This is the time. I’ll see you in Las Vegas, and you can tell me, in person, how the year is going! 

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