AFP News

Strategic Planning for AFP in Canada

Leadership and Teams: Boards and Volunteers

August 14, 2018

By Leah Eustace, CFRE, ACFRE

The creation of AFP Canada just over a year ago set the stage for some important thinking: What is AFP in Canada? How do all the pieces of the AFP puzzle fit together here? What do we want to accomplish, and how can we best serve both our members and the profession?

I’ve had the privilege of chairing the strategic planning process that will answer these questions and set us on a course for influence, impact and success. With input from our AFP Canada and AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada Boards, as well as from chapters, members and staff, we have a draft plan that, although under the umbrella of the AFP International Strategic Plan, is unique to Canada.

All of us on the Strategic Planning Committee want to extend our thanks for the comments (from 41 separate entities) and ideas (113 were generated in just one hour in New Orleans) that have led us to this point. 

The plan is something we can all be excited about. It will guide our work, and benefit all of us.

Please join us for a webinar on September 20th at 2:30 pm EST as we present the draft to all interested members.

To participate, the link is (log in as a Guest). Dial in to  (800) 309-2350, with the participant code of 387-7740

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