AFP News & Press Releases

The latest announcements and media releases from AFP Global.

Mike's Message Takeover: Navigating the New Normal: Compensation, Benefits, and Flexibility in Fundraising

According to the 2024 Compensation and Benefits Report, the average fundraising salary in the U.S. saw a modest increase of 0.8% in 2023, rising from $95,841 to $96,621. This figure pales in comparison to the robust 6.7% increase seen in 2022, reflecting a slow growth trend that fails to keep pace with the 3% inflation rate over the same period.


Year-End Challenges in Q4 2023 as Fundraising Metrics Decline

FEP’s latest quarterly data shows the growing challenge for American nonprofits: a near-universal decline in fundraising metrics, including dollars raised, donor counts, and retention when compared to 2022.

31 Jan 2024
En artículos previos en este Boletín hemos hablado de la importancia de realizar una planeación estratégica y ahora quiero insistir en la importancia...
30 Jan 2024
AFP Member Spotlights are a recurring series of interviews with AFP members, highlighting the unique individuals and career paths that exist within...
30 Jan 2024
FRANÇAIS So much of AFP’s work happens at the committee level. As part of our Committee Chair Conversation Series, in this article we are focusing on...
30 Jan 2024
English Une grande partie du travail de l’AFP est accompli par des comités. Dans le cadre de notre Série d’entretiens avec les présidents et...
30 Jan 2024
Miembros Destacados de AFP es una serie recurrente de entrevistas con miembros de AFP, que destaca a las personas y trayectorias profesionales...
29 Jan 2024
FRANÇAIS The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Canada, the largest community of fundraising professionals in the country, is pleased to...
29 Jan 2024
AFP’s Compensation and Benefits Study has been one of AFP’s most valuable member benefits since its first publication in 2000. Particularly in the...
29 Jan 2024
English L’Association des professionnels en philanthropie au Canada (AFP Canada), la plus importante communauté de professionnel.le.s en collecte de...
23 Jan 2024
FRANÇAIS AFP Global is a volunteer-based organization with 26,000 members in more than 180 chapters throughout the world. Each of the chapters has...
23 Jan 2024
English AFP Global est une organisation basée sur le bénévolat qui représente 26 000 membres répartis dans plus de 180 sections dans le monde. Chaque...
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