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Mike's Message Takeover: Navigating the New Normal: Compensation, Benefits, and Flexibility in Fundraising

According to the 2024 Compensation and Benefits Report, the average fundraising salary in the U.S. saw a modest increase of 0.8% in 2023, rising from $95,841 to $96,621. This figure pales in comparison to the robust 6.7% increase seen in 2022, reflecting a slow growth trend that fails to keep pace with the 3% inflation rate over the same period.


Year-End Challenges in Q4 2023 as Fundraising Metrics Decline

FEP’s latest quarterly data shows the growing challenge for American nonprofits: a near-universal decline in fundraising metrics, including dollars raised, donor counts, and retention when compared to 2022.

01 Jan 2018
“Fundraising is not a profession,” a revered and now long-dead Hawaii community leader quietly intoned during a board meeting, “as much as a shoe...
01 Jan 2018
During the first 100,000 years of human existence, people, goods, and information could move at an average speed of 10–15 miles per hour on foot...
01 Jan 2018
In the 25 years that Advancing Philanthropy has been a signal publication of the fundraising profession, it has helped to usher in advances in our...
01 Jan 2018
You’ve heard the common saying “If you want to understand somebody’s values, look at how they spend their time and money.” It’s a simple measure of...
01 Jan 2018
Quick: What were you doing at this time 25 years ago? Some of you may have a hard time remembering where you were 25 years ago, or some, like me, know...
01 Jan 2018
Every charitable fundraiser knows the importance of diversification. In few circumstances will we center our strategies on one source of revenue, one...
01 Jan 2018
Above Photo Credit: Ian Berry Drummers drag rhythms in dirgey solemnity down neighborhood streets as horns moan, mock and moo. Man, hot notes echo...
01 Jan 2018
Twenty-five years may not be a lifetime, but it can sure feel like it. Twenty-five years ago, AFP wasn’t even AFP, but the National Society of Fund...
01 Jan 2018
When the first issue of Advancing Philanthropy appeared in 1993, the world was a very different place. The internet and email were not in widespread...
01 Jan 2018
Because you are reading this article, it’s reasonable to assume that you are a member of AFP. Or, your membership may have lapsed, or you are thinking...
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