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01 Jul 2017
How many years have you been involved in the nonprofit sector? As a volunteer, for 50-plus years. As a professional, 37 years. I volunteered as early as high school, although I didn’t know it was called the “nonprofit” sector! And then at Stanford, I volunteered for the Model UN and other related...
News post Donor Relations/Stewardship Fundraising Policies
01 Jul 2017
Photo credit: Pritzker Military Museum & Library It is a saying of remembrance: “Lest we forget.” The United States and our World War I allies have not forgotten those men and women who served and the 116,516 who perished in World War I. The number of casualties was more than from the wars in Korea...
News post Cause-Related Marketing/Sponsorships
02 May 2021
One day after AFP Virtual Lobby Week concluded, there’s movement in the House of Representatives on the IRA Legacy Act. AFP members are urged to write letters to their U.S. Representative (not U.S. Senators) on this important bill. Notice from the Ways and Means Committee today indicates that the...
Resource Boards and Volunteers
01 Jul 2016
The Last Word A good story can take you a long way, especially in fundraising. Want proof? Read “The Right Touch” by Larry Hostetler in “The Last Word.” This unique article is an addition to Advancing Philanthropy and is available only in the digital magazine. To access the digital Advancing...
News post
22 Aug 2019
ENGLISH À la fin juillet, 80 dirigeants de l’AFP se sont réunis à l’occasion de ce qu’il convient de qualifier de l’un des événements de l’AFP parmi les plus populaires jamais tenus au pays : la Retraite des dirigeants canadiens. Cette réunion permet aux dirigeants en collecte de fonds de rencontrer...
News post Your Fundraising Career
We are excited to deliver the AFP Nova Scotia 2022 Maritime Fundraising Conference June 6 &7th. We will be utilizing the Pheedloop platform again for 2022. A virtual Conference will ensure we can keep costs low, increasing access and reducing barriers for our NFP community as we re-build in our post...
01 Jan 2022
The Role of the Senior Fundraiser in Advancing the Philosophy of Philanthropy Bob Payton, instrumental in creating the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, often discussed his concern that the training of fundraising executives focused more on the “how to’s” of practice rather than its...
News post Your Fundraising Career
01 Apr 2018
Originally, crowdfunding was seen as the domain of individuals and amateurs. Crowdfunding platforms did not allow nonprofits to use their services, and professional fundraisers felt crowdfunding took away from the asks and campaigns they would be making directly with their donor base. All of this...
News post Cause-Related Marketing/Sponsorships
01 Jan 2023
How special campaigns inspire new beginnings No matter how much supporters insist that an organization’s future is of the utmost importance, many of them can’t help but instinctively return to what happened in Year One. How might you use special campaigns to tap into these “first-year feelings” and...
News post Fundraising Strategies Capital Campaigns Endowments
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