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01 May 2023
Tuve la oportunidad de ver a más de 3 mil 500 miembros de nuestra comunidad AFP, incluyendo algunos viejos amigos y muchas caras nuevas. (¡De hecho, cerca de la mitad de nuestros asistentes este año iban por primera vez!) Cuando se junta esa cantidad de procuradores de fondos, se puede sentir la...
News post
05 Dec 2023
FRANÇAIS In light of the dynamic societal change seen in movements such as #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, coupled with the murder of George Floyd in the U.S. and how the pandemic laid bare the inequities faced by many marginalized groups, AFP Global is reviewing its Code of Ethical Standards to...
News post
01 Oct 2023
An unwelcome reencounter led me to these critical insights essential for recruiters committed to confronting and dismantling the unconscious biases embedded in the recruitment process In the January 2023 issue of Advancing Philanthropy, I penned an article sharing my decision to step away from my...
News post Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Access (IDEA) Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
01 Jan 2021
Above Photo Credit: While the suffering and stress caused by the world health pandemic are persistent and painful, how you lead your nonprofit organization during these challenging times can strengthen your fundraising. This is not meant to minimize the anguish and agony unleashed by the...
News post Case for Support
Sponsored 01 Jul 2024
As we continue to settle into the new normal created by the global pandemic and further adjust to the evolving global themes and economic headwinds, nonprofit organizations must remain focused on providing lifesaving, planet-saving and community-improving services around the world—all while the...
News post
AFP has released its updated Code of Ethical Standards. The AFP Code of Ethical Standards, Board approved in December 2023, is not enforceable until January 2025. The AFP Ethics Committee created a total of three ad hoc work groups to help update AFP’s educational resources, including interpretative...
01 Oct 2017
Small Shops Achieve Big Results “Small shop”: It’s a term often equated with scarce financial and human resources, too little time and too much to do or scant return on investment. However, small shops represent a significant proportion of AFP’s membership, and many may rely significantly on donor...
News post Case for Support Development Office
01 Jan 2023
With intentionality and heart, your team can move mountains “We are #nimble.” Our team lives by this mantra in our ambitious and fast-paced museum. At home in the heart of the Ozarks—a region historically underserved by arts institutions—our museum in Bentonville, Arkansas, is built on the belief...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Development Office
09 Nov 2020
Many Fundraisers Confident About Reaching Goals, But Unsure About Long-Term Environment and Raising More Money in 2020 Fundraisers are generally confident about their fundraising success over the next three months and reaching their year-end goals, but they are less optimistic about raising more...
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