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01 Apr 2021
Above Photo Credit: Bret Kavanaugh Academically based teaching and research centers focusing on philanthropic studies and nonprofit management have been proliferating in recent years. The Valdry Center for Philanthropy (VCP) is an evolving program managed by the Southern University Foundation based...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
01 Apr 2017
For those who “think of philanthropy as something invented within our nation,” as Eugene Temple says in this book’s foreword, you are in for a bit of surprise and a whole lot of enlightenment. Diversity and Philanthropy: Expanding the Circle of Giving (Praeger) is a new work by Lilya Wagner, Ed.D...
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03 Jan 2023
FRANÇAIS The 2023-2024 AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada Board was elected by its members on December 5, 2022 and began their terms on January 1, 2023. Vincent Duckworth, CFRE, President & CEO, at ViTreo Group Inc. based in Calgary, AB became chair of the Board on January 1st. Mr. Duckworth...
News post Boards and Volunteers
11 Jun 2024
FRANÇAIS Dear Canadian Fundraising Professional: Are you committed to the nonprofit sector? Do you have a vision for how fundraising professionals across Canada can help grow philanthropy? Can you imagine supporting a profession that is rapidly growing in Canada? Do you want to be part of a dynamic...
News post
01 Jan 2018
During the first 100,000 years of human existence, people, goods, and information could move at an average speed of 10–15 miles per hour on foot, animals, and boats. But since the 1830s—in less than two centuries—the speed of movement has radically changed with the invention of trains, steamships...
News post International Trends and Resources
21 Oct 2019
Fundraising Professionals Encourage Candidate to Reconsider Proposed Cap on Deductions CONTACT: Jason Lee, Chief Advocacy and Strategy Officer,, 571-296-5411 (Arlington, Va.) – In response to presidential candidate Joe Biden’s education plan, which would impose a cap on...
News post Boards and Volunteers Fundraising Costs Tax Issues
November, 7, 8, 13 & 14 2024 (4-day series) November 7, 8 &13 | 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm ET November 14 | 12:00 noon – 3:30 pm ET $899 USD (Members); Not eligible for Non-members This session was originally advertised as a 2-day in-person event to be held in our AFP Global Office in Arlington, VA. Due...
13 Aug 2023
ENGLISH La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP offre à des professionnels canadiens œuvrant pour le compte d’organismes de bienfaisance ou sans but lucratif la possibilité de parfaire leurs connaissances et leurs compétences dans le domaine de la collecte de fonds. L’aide financière...
News post
14 Feb 2023
English La Fondation canadienne pour la philanthropie de l’AFP offre à des professionnel.le.s en collecte de fonds qui vivent au Canada et œuvrant pour le compte d’organismes de bienfaisance ou sans but lucratif la possibilité de parfaire leurs connaissances et leurs compétences dans le domaine de...
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