
AFP Webinar: High-Reliability Fundraising: Safeguard Philanthropy by Understanding Individual Donor Motivation

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1:00 - 2:00 PM Eastern | Presenter: Melissa Robinson, DHA, MBA
Eligible for 1 CFRE Education Point

The term high reliability is often associated with aviation and health care, where with predictable and repeatable systems comes consistent operations. Yet, these same organizational principles should be applied to fundraising programs. Individual constituents continue to drive philanthropy programs across all sectors. Understanding what incentivizes individuals to give is essential for high-reliability philanthropy, particularly as we emerge from a global pandemic only to enter a recession.  Derived from a two-year study at UMMC, this session provides fundraisers with data-driven research on what incentivized individuals to give during COVID-19 while delivering high-reliability tools to safeguard philanthropy even amidst a crisis.

Presenter: Melissa Robinson, DHA, MBA

Over the last fifteen years, Dr. Robinson has successfully led teams in the non-profit sectors of higher education, health care, and medical research in various roles, including event management, institutional advancement, marketing, and public relations. Her passion for academic medicine fundraising led her to obtain a doctorate in health administration (DHA) focused on academic medical centers’ philanthropic research.

CFRE Focus Areas

Current and Prospective Donor Research
Securing the Gift
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