The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy: Support Your Fellow Fundraisers

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Dear friends, members, colleagues, and donors of our AFP community,

Well, this isn’t the year we had planned, is it?

Karen_Rotko-Wynn_-color-cropped_200_1635385.jpgAs chair of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy, I had planned on sending you a letter this summer highlighting the incredible impact AFP and the foundation have had over the past 60 years on the fundraising profession and the communities we serve.

Just like your plans have undoubtedly changed, so too has this letter. Though to be clear, what hasn’t changed is that I’m going to ask you to give—I’m a fundraiser, after all! And here’s why you should give to the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy through our BE the CAUSE annual unrestricted fund.

We’re being challenged in all new ways, both professionally and personally, by the impact of the pandemic and the systemic racial inequalities faced by people of color across the United States. But as difficult as these challenges and conversations are, they are also inspiring.

We are inspired by communities rising up to create spaces for the voiceless to speak—and respectfully listening to them. We are inspired by a new generation becoming invested in the needs of others, then investing in their own growth and contributions.

Nonprofits are more vital than ever as they adapt and respond to the needs of their local communities. As you well know, fundraisers work tirelessly to generate philanthropic support, but they need support as well. We are their colleagues, their network, and their friends. Giving to the Foundation directly impacts our fellow fundraisers in the work that they do to build stronger communities.

Now is not the time to be quiet. The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy is going to be a vocal ally, a decisive force that raises up those in the fundraising profession and nonprofit sector. And I invite you to join us.

Yes, we will continue to support education, scholarships and professional development—the building blocks of our profession.

But we’re going to be more than just an education supporter. We’re going to be YOUR supporter. We’re going to confront and address the key issues affecting our profession: gender inequity, lack of diversity, harassment, and ensuring that everyone has a seat at the leadership table.

We have the educational resources, the support network and the connectivity to ensure that you are not alone in a world that continues to throw challenge after challenge at your feet. With BE the CAUSE funds, the Foundation supports:

  • Scholarships:
    AFP ICON 2019: 127 Chamberlain Scholars, 23 Diversity Scholars, 83 Collegiate Scholars
    AFP ICON 2020: 59 Chamberlain, 4 Collegiate and 5 Diversity Scholars
    AFP Lead: 21 scholarships for leadership development training
  • Leadership Development is an overarching strategic initiative to address the impending leadership gap by training fundraisers to be leaders in the nonprofit sector
  • Grants back to 126 local AFP Chapters:
    $96,457 in 2019 for education, mentoring, diversity, and more
    $70,000 to 103 chapters so far in 2020

  • Ethics Awareness Month in October to provide ethical tools and raise the profile and awareness of ethics in the fundraising profession
  • Fundraising Effectiveness Project with “Growth in Giving” measurement tools, enabling fundraisers to make their development efforts more efficient and powerful
This isn’t the year any of us had planned, but our work is more critical than ever. The Foundation needs your support to help fundraisers through the challenges they are personally and professionally facing—whether it’s job losses, budget cuts, a distracted donor base or countless other issues. The greater resources that exist in the foundation, through your donations, the more we can support our colleagues during this challenging time. When our fundraisers have the resources needed to grow in this amazing sector and impactful profession, we create the impact that changes the world!

Please join me by donating to the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy to support your colleagues in the fundraising profession.

From one fundraiser to another, thank you!

Karen Rotko-Wynn, CFRE
Chair, AFP US Foundation for Philanthropy

"During this pandemic, I have leaned on the network of fundraising professionals that I built through AFP for advice, best practices, and reassurance as we tackled new challenges on a daily basis.  My local chapter continues to provide ongoing trainings throughout the pandemic, in a virtual format, that are relevant to our new reality.  Most of all, AFP has provided me a platform to enhance my leadership skills through hands on opportunities.  I have served on our board of directors, chaired our statewide fundraising conference and served as president of our local chapter.  It is for all of these reasons that I have and continue to look to AFP as a resource for me and my organization."
- Dan Samuels, AFP FL, Central Chapter

To See the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Impact Statement, click HERE

For our COVID resources click HERE

For our Diversity resources click HERE

For our Research resources click HERE

AFP and the Foundation for Philanthropy exists to foster the development and growth of fundraising professionals and the profession, to promote high ethical behavior in the fundraising profession and to preserve and enhance philanthropy and volunteerism. For the downloadable Code of Ethics, please click HERE.

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Copyright © 2020 AFP
Association of Fundraising Professionals -
4300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22203
US/Canada: 800.666.FUND (3863) - Mexico: 001.866.837.1948
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