National Philanthropy Day® Logos
Since 2007, the National Philanthropy Day® (NPD) logo has been two thumbprints combining to form a heart. The tagline, "Change the World With a Giving Heart", also remains the same. To encourage branding for NPD around the world, AFP encourages its chapters to use this logo and tagline for their local events.

AFP has prepared a number of different file formats of the NPD logo so that chapters can use the highest quality images. To ensure you are using the correct version of the logo, please read the following tips below.
1) Review the NPD Visual Identity Guidelines (in the Attachments section below) before downloading and using the logos. The NPD logo is available in a variety of different formats to ensure you have the correct one for the particular kind of document you’re making (print, online, internal use, etc.). Make sure you’re the right logo in the appropriate manner. Page 8 of the guidelines will be especially helpful in this regard.
2) Forward these NPD visual identity guidelines to your designer and/or printer along with the logos.
The NPD logo is available in two "layouts." Above is the preferred horizontal version. However, because of limited space, chapters can also use the vertical layout below. Each layout is available in color or black and white.

Choosing the Correct File Format
The NPD signature is available in file formats specifically suited for both print and electronic communications. Click on the headings below to find the appropriate formats.
Use EPS Small Format images when preparing art for professional digital or offset printing. These images may be enlarged up to 200 percent (3" symbol width) or reduced down to 50 percent (.75" symbol width). Unless you have professional printing software, you will not be able to view the EPS images. However, your designer and printer will.
Use vector art EPS Large Format images when preparing art for large-scale print applications such as posters, signs or banners. These images may be enlarged only. Unless you have professional printing software, you will not be able to view the EPS images. However, your designer and printer will.
Use pixel-based JPEG images for electronic and web applications. These images may be reduced only.
To help simplify the design process, AFP has developed pre-designed Adobe® InDesign® CS templates for chapters to use in creating a variety of different materials for their NPD event.