AFP & Ohio State University (OSU) Survey on Fundraising Workplace Climate

In one week, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) will release the Fundraising Workplace Climate Survey 2020, which asks about work environment with a focus on diversity and inclusion.
A random sample of AFP members will be asked to share their views about their work and work environment to represent those of the broader AFP membership and fundraising profession. Responses to the survey will help us make recommendations to employers, policy makers at the state and national levels, and other decision makers on how to improve the work conditions of fundraisers. The information collected during the survey will make a positive difference!
Responses to this survey are voluntary and strictly confidential. Only AFP staff and our research partners at the Ohio State University (OSU) will have access to the survey data. During the survey, we will not collect information that could be used to identify individual participants. Data from the survey will not be shared with the AFP but findings will be shared with the AFP membership via a report and conference presentations. Only aggregate findings will be reported so that no individual survey respondents can be identified. The survey will take about 30 minutes to complete.
At the end of the survey, participants will have the option to be entered into a drawing to win a one-year AFP membership.
Stay tuned for the Fundraising Workplace Climate Survey 2020!