Guides & Resources

AFP offers several guides and numerous resources to help fundraising professionals.

Guides and Resources to support every fundraising need

New to fundraising, interested in learning more about the latest state of the fundraising profession, or looking for helpful IDEA resources to promote inclusivity in your fundraising efforts? AFP’s Guides & Resources have you covered.

Our Resource Guides provide focused collections of materials and content from AFP Global covering the issues and topics most important to fundraisers.

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woman smiling at online discussion

Featured Resource: 7 Website Statistics to Guide Your Next Refresh or Upgrade

The top nonprofit websites take user experience (UX) best practices into consideration to create a better visitor experience through an iterative process. With this in mind, we’ve compiled some illuminating statistics to guide your website refresh strategy.

All Guides & Resources

319 results, showing results 151 to 160.
Career stage
18 Apr 2019
2020 Chapter Like-Size Meeting Agendas 2019 Chapter Like-Size Meeting Agendas
18 Apr 2019
Check back soon.
18 Apr 2019
2020 Chapter Presidents' Council Meeting Agenda 2019 Chapter Presidents' Council Meeting Agenda
18 Apr 2019
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08 Apr 2019
Zig Ziglar tells the story of winning a ham and upon returning home, his wife Jean cut off the end of the ham and placed it in a pan. When he inquired about why she cut off the end of his prized ham, she declared that it was what her mama did. So, they called Jean's mama and she said that's what her...
Resource Benchmarks Fundraising Costs Your Fundraising Career
04 Apr 2019
Ask someone who their favorite teacher is and watch their face simultaneously soften and become passionate. Our favorite teachers are seldom favorites based on their curriculum, but more that they really saw us, understood us and saw something worth investing in beyond the classroom. I had a chance...
26 Mar 2019
CBW Presentation CBW Vernetta Walker Presentation Vernetta Walker Handout CBW Attendee Roster Key Contacts at AFP Log In Cheat Sheet Membership Categories
26 Mar 2019
Like Size Group 1 Agenda Like Size Group 2 Agenda Like Size Group 3 Agenda Like Size Group 4 Agenda Like Size Group 5 Agenda List of like-size chapter groupings
20 Mar 2019
Change is the only constant. The nonprofit world seems to be in a hesitant state of maintenance, a vast veil of denial that holds it back from true progress. We seem to be an industry steeped and mired in tradition, often for no other reason than "we've always done it that way". As a change agent in...
Resource Fundraising Basics Your Fundraising Career
13 Mar 2019
Your next fundraising event presents the perfect opportunity to meet new potential donors, reconnect with your most dedicated supporters, and remind everyone of the great work that your organization does in your community. Face-to-face interactions at an in-person event are a great way to strengthen...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Prospect Research Special Events
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