Guides & Resources

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Featured Resource: 7 Website Statistics to Guide Your Next Refresh or Upgrade

The top nonprofit websites take user experience (UX) best practices into consideration to create a better visitor experience through an iterative process. With this in mind, we’ve compiled some illuminating statistics to guide your website refresh strategy.

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319 results, showing results 111 to 120.
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21 Apr 2020
FRANÇAIS We’re in the midst of a global pandemic that will shape our world in unknowable ways. What we do know is that there have been tragic human costs: if you have lost a friend or loved one to COVID-19, please accept our most heartfelt sympathies. We also know that the economic toll will be high...
17 Apr 2020
ENGLISH On nous le répète chaque jour, sinon toutes les heures depuis quelques semaines déjà : nous vivons une période sans précédent. La pandémie de COVID‑19 a eu et continuera d’avoir des répercussions importantes sur différents aspects de notre vie, y compris sur notre travail dans le secteur de...
17 Apr 2020
FRANÇAIS It has been said on a daily, if not on an hourly basis over the last few weeks that these are unprecedented times. COVID-19 has had and will continue to have a significant impact on many aspects of our lives, including our work in this sector. With the cancellation of events and the...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship
26 Mar 2020
When speaking about why he works relentlessly in response to the crisis of orphans and AIDS in Africa, I once heard Stephen Lewis say, “because futility is pointless". I have been reflecting on that a lot as events these past several weeks have rocked us all. The premise of being in good health is...
23 Mar 2020
As I type these thoughts, I have an overwhelming feeling of oddity. Sitting in my home office (which I hadn’t even established prior to this month) during regular business hours is clearly not my normal routine. But for many of us, it has become our new norm. In our business, it is nearly...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Boards and Volunteers Your Fundraising Career
12 Mar 2020
In an effort to position fundraisers as the voice of the causes and issues that matter to concerned citizens, and as the people who play an important role in enabling positive change, AFP Canada launched a new narrative around fundraising and philanthropy in July 2019. The Narrative is now being...
Resource Boards and Volunteers Your Fundraising Career
11 Mar 2020
Not long ago, capital campaigns relied exclusively on in-person meetings: Campaign committee members met in the conference room though one or two had to call in by phone. Consultants booked full days on-site to work with you and your staff. Solicitations were exclusively conducted in-person and face...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Online Fundraising/Social Media
03 Feb 2020
I struggled with the title for this blog because I didn’t want it to scare off people. To be clear, this musing is specifically about the issue of racism as it relates to fundraising professionals of color and not simply about “diversity in the fundraising profession.” When I read the title to a...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Your Fundraising Career
23 Jan 2020
A recent Chronicle of Philanthropy newsletter showed some donors are contributing really LARGE gifts! In their tally of the biggest donations of the year, Jim Walton (of the Walmart Waltons) and Eric and Wendy Schmidt (of Google and Alphabet) both recorded gifts of $1 BILLION or more. Unfortunately...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Prospect Research
09 Jan 2020
Eight is the luckiest number in Chinese culture symbolizing prosperity, and Linda Wise McNay of Our Fundraising Search is covering the top eight fundraising trends for 2020. Storytelling will grow in importance. Storytelling has been a fad, a popular word in the past few years in nonprofits. This...
Resource Your Fundraising Career
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