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23 Jun 2021
Liz Knuppel, president and CEO of Skystone Partners, has announced that the AFP/Skystone Partners Research Prize award will increase in 2022 from $3,000 to $5,000, and the grant recipient will be offered a travel stipend to attend AFP ICON in order to share their research findings. Skystone Partners...
News post
Growing in your career is a common topic early in the year as we all set goals and resolutions. But, it can sometimes be difficult to think of how to approach that growth strategically and effectively. Join a panel of AFP leaders and Korn Ferry Advance Coaches as we address best practices for...
Webinar Your Fundraising Career
06 Dec 2023
ENGLISH L’ancien président d’AFP Canada, Ken Mayhew, président-directeur général de la William Osler Health System Foundation, figure dans le nouvel ouvrage coécrit par le célèbre journaliste canadien Peter Mansbridge et par Mark Bulgutch, qui vient de paraître. Le livre How Canada Works: The People...
News post
23 Nov 2020
Last week on Twitter, I introduced a new made up word on Twitter and was interested to see what people thought of it. The word was “privilanthropy,” a combination of “privilege” and “philanthropy.” It’s hardly a new concept, of course, but as we see more and more major gifts making up a larger...
News post Donor Relations/Stewardship Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
05 Dec 2018
AFP Vice President for Communications and Public Policy Michael Nilsen interviews Kelly Siefkin, CFRE, the vice president for communications and marketing at the Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services, and president of the AFP California, Capital Chapter. Learn how important and easy it is to...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Benchmarks Prospect Research Your Fundraising Career
01 Jul 2023
Misty Copeland, AFP ICON 2023 opening keynote speaker, talks about how being bold has brought her to this point in her life and career—and how she’s teaching children that same lesson through her foundation and its BE BOLD ballet and leadership program As American Ballet Theatre’s first Black female...
News post
08 Sep 2021
There is a long-standing debate about whether the legendary Robinhood really stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Let's assume for our purposes that he did. Would that have made him a hero or a villain? A champion of the people or a thief? How a situation is characterized can vary wildly...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
01 Oct 2019
Charities are founded on the principle of doing good. There are a myriad of causes, missions, and organizations, but underlying them all is a simple concept: that the work charities do will result in positive public benefit. The world is never going to be perfect, but it can be a better place...
News post Ethics International Trends and Resources
01 Oct 2021
Developing leaders is an ongoing necessity for a thriving industry. This time-old tradition of training the next generation to become organizational leaders is not new. However, the fundraising sector is at a critical junction of developing young and emerging professionals to meet the needs of the...
News post Your Fundraising Career
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