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11 Mar 2020
Not long ago, capital campaigns relied exclusively on in-person meetings: Campaign committee members met in the conference room though one or two had to call in by phone. Consultants booked full days on-site to work with you and your staff. Solicitations were exclusively conducted in-person and face...
Resource Donor Relations/Stewardship Online Fundraising/Social Media
01 Apr 2021
The past year has been among the most difficult in recent memory. As with any disaster, COVID-19 has, in many ways, brought out the best in us. Whether it was helping their neighbor or donating to a charitable organization, people showed up in droves to help. One of those people who showed up was...
News post
20 Oct 2021
Looking for a new job is a time-consuming process, and it can be frustrating as so much is out of your control. Are you taking advantage of every opportunity to put your best foot forward to prospective employers? Some ways to stand out from the competition are simple, yet not often followed (at...
News post Your Fundraising Career
01 Oct 2018
Above: Sunrise in downtown Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Photo by Michael Howard. The following introductory excerpt comes from “All the People, All the Places”, a recently released report focused on opportunities for philanthropy and increased civic engagement in rural and small town America. Authored...
News post Benchmarks Research Reports
Keynote Speaker - 8:05 AM - 8:30 AM Yolanda F. Johnson, Founder and President of YFJ Consulting and Women of Color in Fundraising Philanthropy With her expansive knowledge in fundraising and DEI, Yolanda uplifts and inspires audiences to take action and make needed changes in the non-profit sector...
Event Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
July 9, 2024 | 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Philanthropic giving dropped in 2022 for one of the first times and the largest drop since the 2008 recession. Was that a blimp or a trend? Join Cassie Carter, Vice President, and Adriana Lopez, Consultant at Campbell & Company as they share insights from the...
01 Oct 2022
Various professionals discuss AFP’s Code of Ethical Standards and what it means to them When she was in college in California, Dana Patterson knew that she wanted to work in the nonprofit sector, taking a class in grant writing after graduation in 2016 to help her along. With guidance from a mentor...
News post Ethics
20 Feb 2024
ENGLISH Lorsque la pandémie a bouleversé nos vies, il y a eu beaucoup d’incertitudes quant à ce qui se passerait lors du « retour à la normale », « retour à la normale » étant un terme relatif, dans la mesure où nous restons humbles face à des événements qui échappent à notre contrôle. Des tendances...
News post
14 Jul 2020
Public Policy Updates are meant to provide information and resources to chapter government relations chairs and all members who are interested in public policy. In each Update, AFP Global will provide articles and other resources to help you as government relations chair and keep your members...
News post Boards and Volunteers Tax Issues
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