
AFP International Conference Education Session: Building Crowdfunding into Your Moves Management Strategy

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Does your organization steward a donor who writes a $1000 check differently than a fundraiser who gathers $10,000 in donations from their friends and family? Many nonprofits have struggled to figure out how to integrate these “major gatherers” into their stewardship pipelines for mid-level and major giving. In this session, we’ll discuss how to build crowdfunding into your acquisition and moves management strategy and take behind scenes look at a program.

This session is worth 1.5 CFRE CE credits.

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Enjoy recordings of educational sessions from our most recent International Fundraising Conference in New Orleans. Each is worth CFRE continuing education credit. See what you missed or review an awesome session you attended!

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Please note: In some videos there are small gaps in audio as attendees participate in in-room exercises or ask questions without the aid of a microphone.

Purchase is intended for individual viewing. Please do not share these recordings with anyone else unless you have written authorization from the Association of Fundraising Professionals IHQ.

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