Research & Reports

2018 What Canadian Donors Want: Donor Confidence and Charity Management

Stewardship & Marketing: Donor Relations/Stewardship
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September 19, 2018

Are you using the data from AFP’s latest What Canadian Donors Want survey to help inform your organization’s fundraising and your discussion with donors, volunteers and others?

There are seven different fact sheets from the survey, including one on Donor Confidence and Charity Management. Some excerpts from this fact sheet include:

  • Canadians' confidence in the charitable sector is higher than ever. Nearly eight in ten Canadians (78%) say they're confident in the charities and not-for-profit organizations that make up the charitable sector.
  • Three in four Canadians (75%) continue to agree that charities play an important role in society to address the needs not being met by the government, the public sector or the private sector.
  • (63%) agree that most charities in Canada act responsibly with the donations they receive.

For more information on this subject, all seven fact sheets and so much more about the 2018 Canadian Donors Want Survey, click here.

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