AFP News & Press Releases

The latest announcements and media releases from AFP Global.

Mike's Message Takeover: Navigating the New Normal: Compensation, Benefits, and Flexibility in Fundraising

According to the 2024 Compensation and Benefits Report, the average fundraising salary in the U.S. saw a modest increase of 0.8% in 2023, rising from $95,841 to $96,621. This figure pales in comparison to the robust 6.7% increase seen in 2022, reflecting a slow growth trend that fails to keep pace with the 3% inflation rate over the same period.


Year-End Challenges in Q4 2023 as Fundraising Metrics Decline

FEP’s latest quarterly data shows the growing challenge for American nonprofits: a near-universal decline in fundraising metrics, including dollars raised, donor counts, and retention when compared to 2022.

10 Jun 2021
In this interview, AFP talks with emerging leader Doug Mauney II, director of development in the Office of the Provost at the University of Virginia...
07 Jun 2021
As a working mother, like many, this past year has challenged me like never before. And even though the world is reverting back to “normal” a little...
03 Jun 2021
The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada has a new board for the 2019 - 2020 term, with members elected on June 3 and beginning their terms on...
03 Jun 2021
FRANÇAIS (Toronto, Ontario) Canadian donors gave almost $1000 to charity, on average, according to the 2021 What Canadian Donors Want survey...
03 Jun 2021
The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada has a new board for the 2019 - 2020 term, with members elected on June 3 and beginning their terms on...
03 Jun 2021
ENGLISH Toronto (Ontario) – Les Canadiens ont versé près de 1 000 $ en moyenne aux organismes de bienfaisance selon l’enquête Ce que veulent les...
03 Jun 2021
Mentor was first mentioned as a character in Homer’s Odyssey; he is an old man but the goddess Athena assumes his appearance so he can guide Odysseus...
03 Jun 2021
In this Q&A, AFP chats with emerging leader Miguel Lopez, prospect research analyst at The San Diego Foundation and member of the AFP San Diego...
01 Jun 2021
There are many reasons to celebrate LGBTQ+ people this Pride Month—and every month. We’re fabulous! As AFP members I think we can all especially...
28 May 2021
I’ve always been proud of my multiracial identity. From the Japanese soba noodles and mochi we’d eat every New Year, to the Dutch-Indonesian babi...
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