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15 Sep 2021
If there is one word to describe the relationship between Latinxs in the U.S. today and fundraising, it's ignored. That’s almost 20% of the population that is largely ignored by the nonprofit sector. We are looked past as donors, board members, chief development officers, staff, and certainly as...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
03 Nov 2022
Image source: The Government of Canada FRANÇAIS In September 2021, the Action Identification Working Group on Truth and Reconciliation was formed as a joint initiative between AFP Canada and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy - Canada boards. Its focus was to determine possible actions that AFP in...
Resource Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
01 Apr 2019
Do you remember playing The Game of Life? You’d roll the dice, move along the board, and come to a crossroads. You’d have to make choices: Do you choose a career or college? Risk or safety? A city house or a country house? Marriage? Professional development for fundraisers is much like that Game of...
News post Your Fundraising Career
30 Oct 2018
Award-winning journalist, producer and philanthropist Soledad O’Brien, along with activist, author and motivational speaker Spencer West, will be the keynote speakers at the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ (AFP) ICON 2019, the largest gathering of charitable fundraisers in the world, in...
News post Your Fundraising Career
22 Sep 2021
One way to pass the time when you’re at home is, of course, watching television. I like the police procedural dramas, such as “Midsomer” (those poor people who live in that crime-ridden county), “Endeavour,” “Lewis,” and others. In many of these shows, the police headquarters has a crime board for...
News post
01 Jul 2017
The story of my global trek begins in an isolated community in the highlands of Guatemala, where I was going to complain about only receiving one egg per day. Fortunately, my limited Spanish prohibited me from saying anything, after which I realized that, of this family of eight, I was the only one...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) International Trends and Resources Your Fundraising Career
01 Jul 2017
How often do we say in passing to a friend or colleague, “What’s new?” This issue applies that question to more than a dozen aspects of fundraising today, from nonprofit impact reporting to millennials growing new careers to rising interest in virtual reality to a higher bar for true inclusion. We...
News post Benchmarks Cause-Related Marketing/Sponsorships Fundraising Basics
This session will focus on providing the resources, insights and practical steps that every fundraiser can take to build authentic relationships that convert prospects into champions. The session will have three main objectives: Increasing the understanding of how to conduct a virtual donor visit...
Webinar Donor Relations/Stewardship Development Office Online Fundraising/Social Media
07 Aug 2023
At AFP, we believe fundraisers belong at every organization’s leadership table. The Leadership Institute is our effort to support fundraisers who aspire to the next level of leadership in the nonprofit industry. This program encourages the development of leaders who value IDEA and ethics as...
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