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23 Jun 2020
ENGLISH En tant que collecteurs de fonds pour des organismes sans but lucratif, quelle que soit la cause que nous défendons, nous contribuons à rendre le monde meilleur en écoutant, en faisant preuve d’empathie, en inspirant les autres, en amassant des fonds et en agissant. L’AFP incarne et défend...
News post
21 Jul 2020
The term “pivot” has become a buzzword referring to a significant change in business. For many associations during the time of COVID, it has meant focusing on virtual products and reimagining services and programs that can be produced online. Using this standard definition of pivot, I’m especially...
News post
27 May 2020
ENGLISH Près de 10 % des membres de l’AFP affirment qu’ils travaillent dans un petit organisme. Voici la troisième partie d’une série de trois articles portant sur cinq aspects liés aux petits organismes : 1) Cinq avantages à travailler dans un petit organisme; 2) Cinq défis liés au travail dans un...
Resource Fundraising Basics
27 May 2021
FRANÇAIS (Ottawa, Ont.) The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Canada, the largest community of fundraising professionals in the country, is pleased to announce a new partnership with iWave, the industry’s top-rated fundraising intelligence platform, for 2021. For nearly three decades...
News post
07 Jul 2021
In a victory for the fundraising profession, the U.S. Supreme Court has struck down a California law that required charities to disclose names and information about their major donors to the state government, ruling that it violated the First Amendment right to freedom of association. AFP had signed...
News post Tax Issues
AFP has sent a letter to the chair of the House Committee on Corporations outlining its opposition to House Bill 7195 that would enact a series of new and overly burdensome regulations on charitable fundraising. H. 7195 includes a mandate requiring the disclosure of fundraising costs and expenses...
28 Feb 2022
(Arlington, VA) Responses to the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ (AFP) latest Fundraising Confidence Survey reveals that fundraisers are the most optimistic about giving and prospects for the future they have been since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020 The survey, conducted in...
News post Research Reports
28 Feb 2023
ENGLISH Le discours pour la collecte de fonds au Canada d’AFP Canada continue de suscites l’intérêt des professionnel.le.s en collecte de fonds de partout dans le monde et fait partie des séances prévues à la conférence internationale AFP ICON qui se tiendra à La Nouvelle-Orléans du 16 au 18 avril...
News post
30 Sep 2021
As shared widespread events, pandemics always spark societal shifts— plagues in the Middle Ages led to a renewed religious fervor in Europe, while the Spanish Flu of the early 20th Century led to the study of viruses and epidemics. In the same way, the COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly and irreversibly...
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