AFP News & Press Releases

The latest announcements and media releases from AFP Global.

Mike's Message Takeover: Navigating the New Normal: Compensation, Benefits, and Flexibility in Fundraising

According to the 2024 Compensation and Benefits Report, the average fundraising salary in the U.S. saw a modest increase of 0.8% in 2023, rising from $95,841 to $96,621. This figure pales in comparison to the robust 6.7% increase seen in 2022, reflecting a slow growth trend that fails to keep pace with the 3% inflation rate over the same period.


Year-End Challenges in Q4 2023 as Fundraising Metrics Decline

FEP’s latest quarterly data shows the growing challenge for American nonprofits: a near-universal decline in fundraising metrics, including dollars raised, donor counts, and retention when compared to 2022.

16 Nov 2022
Nathan Armstrong AFP Chicago President, 2022 AFP Chicago Chapter 400 E. Randolph St., #2305 Chicago, IL 60601 November 15, 2022 Dear Nathan, Thank you...
14 Nov 2022
While celebrations are held throughout the month of November—and in some cases, during different times of the year—National Philanthropy Day®, or NPD...
14 Nov 2022
A la vez que hay festejos durante todo el mes de noviembre—y en algunos casos, a lo largo de distintas épocas del año—el Día Nacional de la...
14 Nov 2022
AFP caught up with the Greater Dallas Chapter recently to learn about their National Philanthropy Day initiatives. Why is National Philanthropy Day...
07 Nov 2022
In September 2020, AFP led our sector once again (and encouraged others to follow suit) by requiring salary ranges and accepting lived experience as...
07 Nov 2022
En septiembre de 2020, AFP encabezó nuestro sector una vez más (y alentó a otros a seguir el ejemplo) al requerir rangos salariales y aceptar la...
31 Oct 2022
We sat down with Audrey P. Kintzi, ACFRE, member of the AFP Global Ethics Committee and Ethics Review Task Force, to discuss the impactful work of the...
31 Oct 2022
Even though we’re more than a week past AFP LEAD 2022, I’m still deep in thought about leadership and unpacking so many valuable lessons and...
31 Oct 2022
Aunque ya pasó más de una semana después de AFP LEAD 2022, sigo inmerso pensando acerca del liderazgo y desentrañando tantas lecciones valiosas y...
31 Oct 2022
A medida que octubre—Mes de la Sensibilización Ética en la comunidad de procuración de fondos—llega a su fin, nos sentamos con Audrey P. Kintzi, ACFRE...
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