AFP News & Press Releases

The latest announcements and media releases from AFP Global.

Mike's Message Takeover: Navigating the New Normal: Compensation, Benefits, and Flexibility in Fundraising

According to the 2024 Compensation and Benefits Report, the average fundraising salary in the U.S. saw a modest increase of 0.8% in 2023, rising from $95,841 to $96,621. This figure pales in comparison to the robust 6.7% increase seen in 2022, reflecting a slow growth trend that fails to keep pace with the 3% inflation rate over the same period.


Year-End Challenges in Q4 2023 as Fundraising Metrics Decline

FEP’s latest quarterly data shows the growing challenge for American nonprofits: a near-universal decline in fundraising metrics, including dollars raised, donor counts, and retention when compared to 2022.

22 Sep 2022
Cómo Brindar Acceso a Un Mayor Impacto y Relaciones Más Cercanas Hay un Viejo refrán en la procuración de fondos: si quieres consejo, pide dinero. Si...
21 Sep 2022
Abbi Haggerty (right), president, AFP Central Virginia chapter, shares details about its Inclusive Fundraising Fellowship program, which aims to build...
19 Sep 2022
Probablemente haya escuchado—incluso quizá haya experimentado dentro de su propia organización—cómo las políticas públicas tienen cada vez un mayor...
19 Sep 2022
You’ve probably heard—and perhaps even experienced in your own organization—how public policy is increasingly having an impact in all aspects of...
13 Sep 2022
(Arlington, Virginia) The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the largest community of professional fundraisers in the world, has awarded...
12 Sep 2022
FRANÇAIS “COVID-era fundraising stalls as donations soften and donors and retention rates fall in first quarter 2022.” “More than 75% of fundraisers...
12 Sep 2022
ENGLISH La collecte de fonds à l’ère de la COVID stagne en raison de la baisse des dons et de la chute des taux de donateurs et de fidélisation au...
07 Sep 2022
FRANÇAIS Now is a critical time for our sector and country. As we work collectively to recover from the impact of the pandemic, and as people across...
07 Sep 2022
ENGLISH Notre secteur et le pays tout entier vivent une période critique. À l’heure où nous unissons nos efforts pour nous rétablir des effets de la...
06 Sep 2022
(AFP board policy requires a review of the existing dues structure every two years. During the review, the Member Dues Task Force takes into...
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