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Volunteers and Corporate Engagement: Choose the Right Tool for the Right Approach About this Event *The webinar will run for 1 hour. There will be a 30 minute networking session after the webinar - stick around and share your ideas! (1.0 CFRE credit) Employer-Supported Volunteering is “any activity...
01 Jul 2022
Amplifying the Voices of Racialized Women Fundraisers In late 2021 and into the first quarter of 2022, Danisha Bhaloo-Shivji, CFRE, spoke with women of color in the fundraising sector about how they got their start in fundraising. This series, called “Falling Into Fundraising,” (which can be found...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
16 Feb 2022
ENGLISH Les Autochtones représentent près de 20 % de la population du Manitoba. Il n’est donc pas étonnant que l’apprentissage des perspectives autochtones sur la philanthropie soit une priorité de la section du Manitoba de l’AFP. « La section du Manitoba compte parmi les 39 signataires de l’...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA)
18 Jun 2024
ENGLISH AFP Canada est une voix nationale de premier plan pour les professionnel.le.s en collecte de fonds, ces acteurs essentiels au travail des organismes de bienfaisance. AFP Canada a été créée en 2017 en soutien au travail AFP Global. Son mandat est uniquement axé sur les relations...
News post
20 Mar 2018
AFP was honored to recognize Leah Heister last year as one of our Outstanding Young Professionals. AFP talked with Leah about how she got involved in fundraising, what it’s like to work in the consulting field, and the importance of networking and mentoring. Q: Tell us a little about your upbringing...
News post Your Fundraising Career
01 Jan 2022
Researchers at the Women’s Philanthropy Institute explore the connection between gender, crowdfunding and giving, and what fundraisers need to know for 2022 and beyond. Crowdfunding platforms—the process of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of donors...
News post Diversity and Inclusion (IDEA) Online Fundraising/Social Media
18 Jul 2018
Jerold “Jerry” Panas, founder of Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners and fundraising author, presenter, teacher and icon, has passed away. Because of the prominence of his firm and the impact of his writing, there are few who have had a greater influence in the history of the profession.
News post Boards and Volunteers
13 Oct 2022
Donors Drop by 7% but Dollars Up 6.2%, Buoyed by Major Donors U.S. charitable giving increased significantly in Q2 2022, but gains were accompanied by a continuing steep decline in donor acquisition and retention, particularly among new and newly retained donors, according to the Fundraising...
Resource Benchmarks Prospect Research Research Reports
09 Sep 2020
When disaster strikes, the nonprofit sector never fails to rise to the occasion. Fueled by the power of philanthropy, charities in every sector have always found a way to make their mission part of the solution as we respond to natural, economic and political turmoil. What happens when you have the...
News post Your Fundraising Career
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