Advancing Philanthropy October 2022

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Advancing Philanthropy October 2022

Tackling Ethics Questions and the Future of Our Community

How do you live ethics out loud? As members of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, we all sign the AFP Code of Ethical Standards each year, affirming our dedication to fundraising ethically. In this issue of Advancing Philanthropy, we examine what the code means to us, how we practice ethical fundraising daily, and the future of the code. We’ll also look at fundraising through a variety of lenses—the struggles and triumphs of black fundraisers, staying positive in storytelling, smarter fundraising with technology—and the future of our profession.

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01 Oct 2022 Advancing Philanthropy
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01 Oct 2022 Advancing Philanthropy
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01 Oct 2022 Advancing Philanthropy
01 Oct 2022 Chapter Spotlight
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