AFP-Nimble AMS Project Center

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Updated October 28, 2022

NEW: Training Recordings | Materials


Document: Nimble AMS Training Manual

Key Resources

Project Updates

AFP Global Database Project: Database Launch Date Change, New Timeline (August 18, 2022)

After recent calls with Nimble and internal discussions, we have decided to push back the official go-live launch date for the new database from Tuesday, September 27, to now be Monday, November 14.

Why The Change?

While both AFP and Nimble believe the project requirements can (and still will be) completed by the September 27, "success" is defined not just by basic delivery, but by both the refinement of these functionalities as well as the comfort of staff and chapters that will be using these tools. It is clear that such training and familiarization would not be fully possible given the current project trajectory - a number of requirements are still being built and tested, and might not be ready until well in September.

Moving our go-live date to November 14 will provide more time for AFP and Nimble to:

  • Develop and finalize all project requirements
  • Test and refine the database to ensure a successful launch and adoption
  • Review data migrations and clean up the information being imported
  • Train staff and allow time for staff to review/play with the database
  • Conduct follow-up sessions where staff can raise issues and questions regarding the database
  • Enhance the user experience and dashboards for staff, and set up reports and dashboards for chapter admins
  • Produce materials and training for chapter admins, both online and at LEAD
  • Communicate and educate members on changes coming in terms of website experience
  • Ensure all integrations with third-party vendors are working
  • Still launch our Chapter Accord process in a timely manner

The New Timeline

Now-Sept. 23:         Requirements Build-out & Implementation
Sept. 26-Oct. 7:      End-to-End Testing (Internal w/ Staff) 
October 4:           ICON Registration Launch (using new database service)
October 18:            Training: Accounting
October 20-22:    AFP LEAD - chapters to lean about new portal, Accord process
October 26-27:       Training: All Staff
Week of Oct. 31:     Emails to members, chapters on impending changes
November 1:      Chapter Webinar: New Chapter Portal (new date - TBA)
November 4:       Database System Hold
November 5:       Final Data Upload
November 14:      Database Go-Live
November 16:     Chapter Webinar: Accord Launch/Process (new date - TBA)

Thank you again for your dedication and help making this project a success.


Discovery Meetings: Full Call Schedule (September 30 - October 13, 2021)

Discovery Recordings:

Session Topic Session Date Recording Link Recording Password
Accounting (1 of 2) 9/30/2021 AFP2021
Accounting (2 of 2) 9/30/2021 AFP2021
Accounts a & Affiliations 10/1/2021 AFP2021
Donations (1 of 2) 10/4/2021 AFP2021
Community Hub 10/4/2021 AFP2021
Membership (1 of 2) 10/5/2021 AFP2021
Membership (2 of 2) 10/5/2021 AFP2021
Donations (2 of 2) 10/6/2021 AFP2021
Merchandise & Subscriptions 10/6/2021 AFP2021
Events (1 of 2) 10/7/2021 AFP2021
Events (2of 2) 10/7/2021 AFP2021
Committees 10/8/2021 AFP2021
Chapters (1 of 2) 10/11/2021 AFP2021
Chapters (2 of 2) 10/11/2021 AFP2021
Integrations (1 of 2) 10/12/2021 AFP2021
Integrations (2 of 2) 10/12/2021 AFP2021
Exhibits, Sponsorship, Advertising 10/13/2021 AFP2021
Programs, Certification 10/13/2021 AFP2021

Below please find the complete listing of Discovery calls scheduled between September 30 - October 13. Meeting requests have been sent to the team members associated with each topic based on our previous Workbook assignments (see "Workbooks" below for a review of those assignments and relevant Workbooks). Please re-familiarize yourself with your relevant Workbooks before your meetings.

That being said, any AFP staff member is welcome to join any call they feel they could provide appropriate and important insights, experience and feedback.

All scheduled times should be viewed as estimates. Some sessions will go long, while others will go faster than expected. All participants should plan for flexibility, if possible, around start and end times as some shuffling of the sessions or times may occur. 

Note: We anticipate having follow-up calls and meetings the week of October 25 to (re)address any open or unclear questions and requirements. More information will be provided about these calls once needs are ascertained and the appropriate follow-up schedule is determined.

Nimble AMS Discovery Agenda

Thursday, September 30th Sessions

9:30 am – 12:00 pm (10:45 am – 11:00 am Break)

- Entities
- Accruals
- Recognition
- Payment Gateway
- Payment Methods
- Flex Payments

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (2:30 pm - 2:45 pm Break)

Accounting (cont.)
- Transactions not in Nimble
- G/L Batch export
- CH Accounting
- Deferred Income
- Multi-currency/language

Friday, October 1st Sessions

9:30 am – 12:00 pm (10:45 am – 11:00 am Break)

Accounts & Affiliations
- Record Types
- Statuses / Categories
- Demographics
- Affiliations
- Member/Non-Member
- Online-Directories (Individual/Company)

Monday, October 4th Sessions

9:30 am – 12:00 pm (10:45 am – 11:00 am Break)

- Online Donations
- Recognition and Summaries
- Soft Credit
- Matching Donations
- Pledges
- Recurring Giving

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (2:30 pm - 2:45 pm Break)

Community Hub
- Navigation
- Account Creation
- Account Affiliation
- Account Management
- Personal Snapshot 
- Company Snapshot
- Company Roster
- Demographics
- Multi language display
- Engagement

Tuesday, October 5th Sessions

9:30 am – 12:00 pm (10:45 am – 11:00 am Break)

- Member Types
- Company/Individual
- Terms
- Special Pricing
- Auto Renew
- Processing 
- Flow down

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (2:30 pm - 2:45 pm Break)

Membership Online
- Online Join
- Online Renew

Wednesday, October 6th Sessions

9:30 am – 12:00 pm (10:45 am – 11:00 am Break)

Donations (cont.)
- Online Donations
- Recognition and Summaries
- Soft Credit
- Matching Donations
- Pledges
- Recurring Giving

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (2:30 pm - 2:45 pm Break)


Thursday, October 7th Sessions

9:30 am – 12:00 pm (10:45 am – 11:00 am Break)

- Types
- Dynamic Registration Control
- Special Pricing
- Coupons
- Speaker Management
- CEU Tracking
- Waitlisting
- Register a coworker
- Badges and Profile updates

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (2:30 pm - 2:45 pm Break)

Events (cont.)
- Types
- Dynamic Registration Control
- Special Pricing
- Coupons
- Speaker Management
- CEU Tracking
- Waitlisting
- Register a coworker
- Badges and Profile updates

Friday, October 8th Sessions

9:30 am – 12:00 pm (10:45 am – 11:00 am Break)

- Standard Configuration
- Chapter Committees
- Nomination/Submission (OOS)
- Volunteer Interest (OOS)
- HL Community Integration (collaboration)

Monday, October 11th Sessions

9:30 am – 12:00 pm (10:45 am – 11:00 am Break)

- Membership
- Demographics
- Committees/Roles
- Chapter Leadership Portal/Admins
- Chapter Events/Administration

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (2:30 pm - 2:45 pm Break)

- Membership
- Demographics
- Committees/Roles
- Chapter Leadership Portal/Admins
- Chapter Events/Administration

Tuesday, October 12th Sessions

9:30 am – 12:00 pm (10:45 am – 11:00 am Break)

- Event Management (and Accounting) - Maritz
- GoToWebinar or WebEx
- Marketing Automation - Real Magnet
- SSO/CMS - Drupal
- GL Export
- BlueSky/PathLMS

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (2:30 pm - 2:45 pm Break)

- eShow (Exhibit Management)
- Higher Logic (with activity writeback)
- Higher Logic Chapters
- YM Careers (OOS)
- Others (OOS) (KornFerry, BizZone, DirectAnswer, custom sites)

Wednesday, October 13th Sessions

9:30 am – 12:00 pm (10:45 am – 11:00 am Break)

- Exhibit integration review
- Sales Cloud (sales management)

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm (2:30 pm - 2:45 pm Break)

- Certifications
- Accreditations
- CEU Tracking
- LMS Integration review

Project Meeting Recordings & Materials

  • YM + Nimble AMS Demo of Chapter Platform (11/22/2021)
    Presentation | Recording (Passcode: AFP2021)
  • AFP - Bluepay Processing Review (11/22/2021)
    Presentation | Recording (Passcode: AFP2021)
  • Nimble AMS Trailhead Training Workshop Session (9/14/2021)
    Presentation | Recording (Passcode: $2u%iGZm)
  • AFP-Nimble Discovery Kick-Off Call (8/17/2021)
    Powerpoint | Recording
  • Familiarization Training (7/26-27/2021)
    Training Agenda | Manual | Recordings: Day 1 (Passcode: %4Zaa=Q1) | Day 2 (Passcode: a#h51d&y)


Training Resources & Links (Salesforce CRM/Nimble AMS )

General Staff Training

Please follow these steps to set up your Salesforce/Nimble account and begin your self-guided training:

  1. First, create and set up your free Trailhead Profile Account with Salesforce:
  2. Review this Trailmix put together by Nimble that provide the Basics for Nimble AMS Users:
  3. Start taking the recommended Salesforce CRM Trailhead Badges:
  4. Have questions or looking for suggestions/advice? Visit the Trailblazer Community Feed:
  5. Feeling adventurous? Think about taking some additional Nimble AMS-Specific Training Classes:
  6. You can also visit the Nimble AMS Help Page for any Nimble-specific questions you have:
  7. Other Key Resource Links:
    Nimble Training Manual
    List of Reports That Come Standard With Nimble AMS

Note: If you need a refresher on what Trailhead is, how to set up your account, and how to select training courses and badges to take, please rewatch the Nimble AMS Trailhead Training Workshop Session (9/14/2021): Presentation | Recording (Passcode: $2u%iGZm)


Advanced Training Options

For AFP staff requiring more technical and advanced administrator-level knowledge and understanding of Salesforce, as well as for anyone looking to build their Salesforce skill set, the following options are available:

Recommended Immersive Salesforce Admin Training (Fee/Registration required):

Corresponding Admin-level “Trailheads” (Free):

Nonprofit Cloud and Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) Trails (particularly if we decide to leverage the Nonprofit Data Architecture (NPSP - this will be determined in Discovery):




Workbooks drive the Discovery phase of any database project and system deployment, and act as a basis for discussion and final decision-making for deliverables. Filling out the dozen+ Workbooks will enable Nimble AMS to jumpstart the discovery process by soliciting answers to common questions asked during the requirements gathering phase. Our feedback will be used to find common functionality within Nimble AMS or identify opportunities to tailor the platform to meet our unique business function.

How To Access The Workbooks

The Workbooks are in Google Docs (link below). You will need to have or create a Google Docs account (here is a document explaining the Google Doc account process:

Nimble Workbook Folder:

Here you will find the following Workbooks:
00- Configuration
10 - Accounts
11 - Membership
12 - Accounts - Finance
13 - Committees
14 - Events
15 - Subscription
16 - Donations
17 - Merchandise
19 - Program
21 - Sponsorships
22 - Advertising
23 - Exhibitor
30 - Community Hub
31 - Community Hub Look
32 - Chapters
60 - Data Migration
70 - Integrations

Staff Workbook Review Assignments:

Allison Sedwick
13 - Committees
*32 - Chapters

Austin Alderdice
*17 - Merchandise
22 - Advertising

Ayat Hassan
*16 - Donations

Baterdene Yura/Finance
11 - Membership
*12 - Accounting
4 - Events
*16 - Donations
21 - Sponsorships
22 - Advertising
23 - Exhibitor

Brian Lu
00- Configuration
10 - Accounts
11 - Membership
12 - Accounting
13 - Committees
14 - Events
15 - Subscription
16 - Donations
30 - Community Hub
*60 - Data Migration
*70 - Integrations
32 - Chapters

Chris Amos
*21 - Sponsorships
22 - Advertising
23 - Exhibitor

Chris Dinegar
*14 - Events
23 - Exhibitor

Chris Griffin
*19 - Programs

David Sigman
*12 - Accounting

Derek Mulhern
*13 - Committees
32 - Chapters

Evan Northup
*16 - Donations

Joe Cardenas
*12 - Accounting
16 - Donations

Kelley Brown
13 - Committees
*32 - Chapters

Kendall Joyner
*14 - Events
*19 - Programs

Kimberly Boyd-Lewis
14 - Events
*19 - Programs

Lisa Davey
*13 - Committees

Lori Gusdorf
*16 - Donations

Michael Nilsen
*15 - Subscription
16 - Donations

Rose Sandoval
13 - Committees
*32 - Chapters

Sam Edwards
13 - Committees
*32 - Chapters

Sawanna Foster
*11 - Membership

Shayna Camp
*19 - Programs

Taryn Gold
13 - Committees
19 - Program
*32 - Chapters

Tiffany Oglesby
*11 - Membership

Todd Mclaughlin
*11 - Membership
13 - Committees
15 - Subscription
17 - Merchandise
32 - Chapters

Vanessa Mayo
*14 - Events


Nimble Project/Discovery Team Personnel

Executive Sponsor
Daryl Stevenson
General Manager, Nimble AMS

Project Sponsor
Prassanth Lakshminarasimhan
Director, Client Services

PMO Manager
Tina Carr, PMP
Manager, Enterprise Software Project Management & Services Operations

Development Manager
Jake Juby
Development Manager

Customer Account Director
Julie Tracz
Customer Account Director Customer Success

Data Manager
Jim Zerbe
Data Manager

Project Manager
Phyllis Carroll, PMP, CSM
Project Manager

Nimble Consultant Lead
Geoff Williams  
Director of Business Solutions

Nimble Consultant
Jeremy Thompson
Nimble Consultant


  • Karyn Powell (Resource Manager)
  • Diana Arencibia (Operations Manager, Billing)
  • Rob Banwar (Director of Enterprise Accounts & Sales Enablement)
  • Tim Burke (Sr. Director of Enterprise Sales & Alliances)
  • Jon Melenson (Trainer)
  • Jennifer Frantom (Training Coordinator)



AFP IT Task Force Information

Key Information





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