Advancing Philanthropy October 2019

October is Ethics Awareness Month!
AFP is celebrating October as Ethics Awareness Month, and Advancing Philanthropy is doing something it’s never done before: focusing an entire issue on ethics.
But in the magazine, you’re not going to find a list of the 25 standards in AFP’s Code of Ethics, or a summary of all the things that a fundraiser should or shouldn’t do. Because ethics is much more than that. Ethics is a way of thinking that extends far beyond the Code.
So in this special Ethics Awareness Month issue of Advancing Philanthropy, you’re going to find articles that explore the full depth of ethics. Ethics and boards. Ethics and the use of donor names. Ethics around the globe. Ethics and self-care.
Ethics is part of everything we do and is directly responsible for the money we raise and the impact we create. We hope you enjoy this special issue and use it as a resource throughout the year.